N95 Mask Fit Testing


  • With your mask: $35
  • With our mask: $50


  • A full-size certificate will be issued immediately after completing the test.
  • The certificate is valid for two years.
  • It mentions Date, Make, Model, Testing Type.


  • Our education includes Donning and Doffing, Facial Seal, Seal Checks, Use, Risks and Precautions.

Our Services

  • We provide N95 Respirator Mask Fit Testing to both individuals and organizations.
  • We provide ON-SITE, OFF-SITE, INDIVIDUAL and ORGANIZATIONAL training at your convenient time and place.
  • Our services are recognized by employers, universities and colleges alike. 
  • Our Mask Fit Testing meet requirements of OSHA 29 1910.134 and CSA standard Z94.4 requirements


We use the following 3M N95 Respirators during our Mask Fit Testing

8110s, 8210, 1860s, 1860, 9210+, 1870+


N95 Mask Fit Test

  • The “N” means “not resistant to oil,” and the “95” refers to the filter efficiency.

Preparing for the test

  • Refrain from gum chewing, smoking, eating or drinking (other than water) 15-30 minutes before testing as this may interfere with the test
  • Must be clean-shaven around the seal of the mask; therefore, no facial hair where the respirator meets the face
  • Women, no excess makeup
  • No eating, drinking or smoking 20 minutes before the test
  • If you have Epipen or inhaler. please bring it with you

Completing the Medical Screening Assessment for N95

  • Respirator Assessment is necessary to identify any participant who may not wear an N95 respirator for health reasons.

How will training proceed?

  • Participants will fill out the Medical Screening Assessment form for N95 Respirator Assessment
  • The instructor will explain the procedure of donning and doffing masks
  • The instructor will explain the procedure of testing
  • Participants will do a practice section
  • You will receive a certificate if they pass the test

What happens if I can’t be fit tested?

  • Suppose you cannot attain a proper seal with any available respirators. In that case, you will be assessed in Occupational Health and Safety Services to find a protective mask that will fit.

When should fit testing be repeated?

  • Every two years
  • When a satisfactory fit-test has not been achieved
  • A change in the physical condition such as obvious weight gain/loss or if there is a change in facial features

How do I know if I am getting a good seal?

  • Use only the respirator fitted to you
  • Be fit tested to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Visually inspect respirator to ensure no defects, etc., before use.
  • A clean shave for men provides the best protection.
  • Should perform two seal checks at donning the respirator:
  1. Positive pressure (exhalation check)
  2. Negative pressure (inhalation check)

How do I know if I am getting a good seal?

  • Use only the respirator fitted to you
  • Be fit tested to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Visually inspect respirator to ensure no defects, etc., before use.
  • A clean shave for men provides the best protection.
  • Should perform two seal checks at donning the respirator:
  1. Positive pressure (exhalation check)
  2. Negative pressure (inhalation check)

Positive Pressure Fit Check

  • Place the palms of your hands over the front and exhale gently
  • A proper fit has been obtained if the facepiece bulges slightly and no air leaks are detected between your face and the facepiece.
  • If air leakage is detected, reposition the respirator on your face and adjust the tension of the elastic straps to eliminate the leakage.
  • Repeat all of the above steps.
  • Never enter a contaminated area; if you cannot achieve an air seal by positive and negative pressure checks.

Negative Pressure Fit Check

  • Do not disturb the position of the respirator (mask)
  • Cover the front of the respirator completely with both hands and inhale sharply.
  • A negative pressure should be felt inside the respirator.
  • If you feel any air leakage, readjust the position of the respirator or the tension of the straps and retest the seal.

To Remove (Doffing)

  • There are no published data on the length of time the respirator is effective for the wearer.
  • Health Canada recommends changing the mask if it becomes wet, interferes with breathing, or if it encounters respiratory droplets. Do not use damaged or visibly soiled masks.
  • They are disposable and should be discarded after each use

SEQUENCES (Personal protective equipment)

  • Follow the guidelines of your Organization or College.
  • Wearing: Gown, Mask, Goggles, Gloves
  • Removing: Gloves, Goggles, Gown, Mask

CLICK BELOW BUTTON for full information from the Ministry of Labour of Ontario.

