Language of Instruction

In Aims Healthcare College, the language of instruction will be English in all classes of all programs. Students in College are expected to demonstrate an acceptable level of English speaking, reading, and writing skills.

Attendance Policy
  1. Regular attendance is taken for each class, and absenteeism and lateness will be recorded on the attendance sheet and forwarded to the administration office.
  2. Any absenteeism for more than three consecutive days should accompany a valid reason.
  3. Aims Healthcare College will be consistent and reasonable in deciding a valid reason for an absence. The Principal will have the sole decision-making power in this process.
  4. The Principal can stop the student from attending different classes if the student remains absent for more than three days without a valid excuse or supporting proof.
  5. The student's responsibility is to stay current with the course material and curriculum and catch up with the class on any missed classes or practicum. 
  6. Any absences during theory or practicum may be made up by attending a future class or practicum to complete the missed hours. It may cause the anticipated end date of the program to be delayed.

Exam Rewrite Policy

Missed Tests (including assignments and performance demonstrations)

  1. A student who misses a test will receive a grade of zero.
  2. The instructor may provide a makeup test with acceptable documentation (i.e., a doctor's certificate).
  3. The makeup test must be written outside of regularly scheduled class hours.
  4. The maximum mark the student can attain for a makeup test is 70%.
  5. Only one date will be offered for a student to write a makeup test: failure to write the makeup as scheduled will result in a zero grade.

Failed Tests (including assignments and performance demonstrations)

  1. Students who fail to attain a passing grade of 70% in a Module activity may rewrite the test or redo the assignment/performance demonstration.
  2. The maximum mark the student can attain for a rewrite/redo Module activity is 70%.
  3. A student who fails the rewrite/redo must repeat the Module.
  4. The maximum number of Module rewrites/redoes is three (3), with no more than one (1) rewrite/redo in any one Module.



The Aims Healthcare College (AHC) encourages all students to pursue academic studies and other college-sponsored activities. The student should be free of unfair or improper action in pursuing these goals. In the case of unacceptable behaviour deemed to be in the best interests of the College and the student involved, suspension or expulsion are options available to the Principal. The College should maintain conditions under which the work of the College can go forward freely, following the highest standards of quality, institutional integrity and freedom of expression. A student is expected to conduct him- or herself per the standards of the College.

When a student is charged with misconduct, such charge shall be processed according to the college policy and procedure to protect the student's rights and the College's interest. Disciplinary action may be imposed on a student for violating the law, college policy and regulations. It is the policy of the College not to impose

student discipline for acts occurring away from the College and not connected with college activities unless the student's conduct affects the functions of the College.

Sanctions of students who violate the college rules and regulations

  1. Probation: verbal or written warning.
  2. Temporary Exclusion is removal from the class period or the activity.
  3. Suspension: Exclusion from all classes, facilities, privileges and activities for a specified time as outlined in the notice of suspension.
  4. Expulsion: a recommendation by the Principal and teaching staff.

Expulsion, Suspension and Probation of Students

Expulsion is the ultimate sanction imposed by the College and is only employed in extreme indiscipline, gross misconduct or repeated breaches of the Code of Behaviour. A college student may be expelled, suspended, placed on probation or given a lesser sanction for a good cause and following procedures consistent with due process. Good cause includes, but is not limited to, one or more of the following behaviours, which must be related to college activity or attendance:

1. Cheating or plagiarism is not allowed because it has a connection with a college academic program.

2. Forgery, alteration, misuse of college documents records, identification and giving false information to a college representative are connected with official duties.

3. Disruption of in-campus property college education process comes under administrative process, other functions or operations.

4. Physical abuse and threats to the person and damage of property related to a member of the College are not permitted.

5. Theft and non-accidental damage to college property owned by a member and student of the College is not allowed.

6. Unauthorized entry into the College and misuse of college property are also prohibited.

7. On college property, the sale or knowing possession of dangerous drugs, restricted dangerous drugs, or narcotics as those terms are used in Ontario.

8. They know the possession or use of explosives, dangerous chemicals or deadly weapons on college property or at a college function.

9. You engage in rude, offensive, or indecent behaviour on college property or at a college function.

10. Abusive behaviour directed toward or hazing a member of the college community.

11. On violation of any order, notice will be given before such violation and during the academic term in which the violation occurs. Notice will be posted on an official bulletin board designated for this purpose.

12. According to this article, it solicits or assists another to do any act that would subject a student to expulsion, suspension, probation, or other sanction.

13. Harassment such as sexual harassment comes in violation of provincial or federal law.

14. Discrimination is based on race, colour, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, disability, and sexual orientation.

15. Commission of a computer-related crime.

16. Use any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom without the prior consent of the instructor, except as necessary to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and academic accommodations to students with disabilities.

17. Persistent misconduct where other correction means have failed to bring about proper conduct.

18. Violation of college parking and traffic regulations in the college parking area is not permitted.

19. Formation of/or membership in secret organizations.

20. The administrative team will notify the obstruction or disruption of administrative disciplinary procedures or other college activities. Disruption of classes or other academic activities will not consider academic freedom of speech.

21. No unauthorized visitors will be allowed into the classrooms.

22. We sell or distribute course lecture notes, handouts, examinations, or other information an instructor provides or uses commercially without the instructor's express permission.

23. Unauthorized entry to or use of college facilities, including the possession or duplication of keys to the College, or unauthorized use of public address systems.

24. Failure to present registration/identification card when requested by College Official or other authorized persons.

25. Follow the directions of the College in the performance of their duties.



Per the Sexual Violence Policy, any student at The Aims Healthcare College may file a report of an incident or complaint to Mr. Raj Manvi in writing. However, students are encouraged to speak directly with him regarding any concerns they may have while understanding to pursue a SEXUAL VIOLENCE POLICY.


A. Aims Healthcare College is committed to providing its students with an educational environment free from sexual violence and treating its students who report incidents of sexual violence with dignity and respect.

B. Aims Healthcare College has adopted the Sexual Violence Policy, which defines sexual violence and outlines training, reporting, investigative and disciplinary responses to complaints of sexual violence made by its students on its campus or at one of its events and involves students.

C. The person accused of engaging in sexual violence will be referred to as the “Respondent” and the person making the allegation as the “Complainant.”

D. If students, in good faith, report an incident of or make a complaint about sexual violence, they will not be subject to discipline or sanctions for violations of the private career college’s policies relating to drug or alcohol use at the time the alleged sexual violence occurred.

E. Students who disclose their experience of sexual violence through reporting an incident of, making a complaint about, or accessing support and services for sexual violence will not be asked irrelevant questions during the investigation process by the private career college’s staff or investigators, including irrelevant questions relating to the student’s sexual expression or past sexual history.


Sexual violence means any sexual act or acts targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether it acts physically or psychologically. Threatened or attempted against a person without consent includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism and sexual exploitation.


A. Aims Healthcare College shall include a copy of the Sexual Violence Policy in every contract between the College and students. Provide a copy of the Sexual Violence Policy to career college management (corporate directors, controlling shareholders, owners, partners, other persons who manage or direct the College’s affairs, and their agents), instructors, staff, employees and contractors. Train them about the policy and its reporting processes, investigating and responding to complaints of sexual violence involving its students.

B. Any company offering student internships on their premises must provide an undertaking in writing that complies with all applicable legislation, including the Ontario Human Rights Code. The Occupational Health and Safety Act will provide students access to those policies should they encounter issues relating to sexual violence in the workplace.

C. Management, instructors, staff, other employees and contractors of Aims Healthcare College will report incidents of or complaints of sexual violence to Mr. Raj Manvi upon becoming aware of them.

D. Students who have been affected by sexual violence or who need information about support services should contact Raj Manvi.

E. Aims Healthcare College will keep all personal information of persons involved in the investigation confidential. Except in those circumstances where it believes an individual is at imminent risk of self-harm or harming another, or there are reasonable grounds to believe that others on its campus or the broader community are at risk. It will be done by: 

i. ensuring that all complaints/reports and information gathered as a result of the complaint/reports will be only available to those who need to know for purposes of investigation, implementing safety measures and other circumstances that arise from any given case; and

ii. ensuring that the documentation is kept in a separate file from the Complainant/student or the Respondent.

F. Aims Healthcare College recognizes the right of the Complainant not to report an incident of or make a complaint about sexual violence or not request an investigation and not participate in any investigation that may occur.

G. Aims Healthcare College may be required by law or its internal policies to initiate an internal investigation and inform police without the Complainant’s consent if it believes the safety of members of its campus or the broader community is at risk.

H. Aims Healthcare College will appropriately accommodate the needs of its students affected by sexual violence. Students seeking accommodation should contact Imran Qureshi.


A. Under this Sexual Violence Policy, any student of Aims Healthcare College may file an incident report or a complaint to Raj Manvi in writing.

B. Upon receipt of a report of an incident or a complaint of alleged sexual violence being made, Imran Qureshi will respond promptly (within 1 day or sooner) and:

i. Determine whether an investigation should proceed and if the Complainant wishes to participate in an investigation.

ii. Determine who should conduct the investigation having regard to the seriousness of the allegation and the parties involved.

iii. Determine whether the incident should be referred immediately to the police.

iv. In such cases or where civil proceedings are commenced in respect of allegations of sexual violence, Aims Healthcare College may conduct its independent investigation and make its determination following

its policies and procedures and

v. Determine what interim measures should be implemented pending the investigation process, such as removing the Respondent or seeking alternate methods of providing necessary course studies.

C. Once an investigation is initiated, the following will occur:

i. The Complainant and the Respondent will be advised that they may ask another person to be present throughout the investigation.

ii. Management interviewed the student to ensure a complete understanding of the allegation. They gathered additional information that may not have been included in the written complaint, such as the date and time of the incident. People involved, names of the person who witnessed the incident and a complete description of what occurred.

iii. Informing and interviewing the Respondent of the complaint, providing details of the allegations and allowing the Respondent to respond to those allegations and to provide any witnesses the Respondent feels are essential to the investigation;

iv. Interviewing any person involved or who has, or may have, knowledge of the incident and any identified witnesses.

v. Providing reasonable updates to the Complainant and the Respondent about the status of the investigation; and

vi. Following the investigation, Mr. Raj Manvi will:

(a) Review all of the evidence collected during the investigation.

(b) Determine whether sexual violence occurred and if so

Determine what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken as set out below.


A. If Aims Healthcare College determines that the Respondent did engage in sexual violence, immediate disciplinary or corrective action will be taken. It may include:

i. Disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment of instructors or staff; or

ii. Expulsion of a student; and

iii. The placement of certain restrictions on the Respondent’s ability to access certain premises or facilities; and

iv. Any other actions that may be appropriate in the circumstances.


A. Should the Complainant or the Respondent not agree with the decision resulting from the investigation, they may appeal the decision to Aims Healthcare College within 3 days by submitting a letter addressed to Mr. Raj Manvi. 

B. A response will be provided within 1 business day or sooner to determine the next steps to handle the appeal. 

C. Should an appeal process be set in place, the Complainant must provide all details, including the rationale for not accepting Aims Healthcare College’s decision. 

D. An entire case review will begin after receiving the formal appeal in writing.


A. It violates this Sexual Violence Policy for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint of sexual violence or provide false information about a complaint.

B. Individuals who violate this Sexual Violence Policy are subject to disciplinary or corrective action up to and including termination of employment of instructors or staff or expulsion of a student.


A. It is a violation of this Sexual Violence Policy to retaliate or threaten to retaliate against a complainant who has brought forward a complaint of sexual violence, provided information related to a complaint, or otherwise been involved in the complaint investigation process.

B. Individuals who violate the Sexual Violence Policy are subject to disciplinary or corrective action, up to and including termination of employment of instructors or staff or expulsion of a student.


A. Aims Healthcare College shall ensure that student input is considered in developing its Sexual Violence Policy every time it is reviewed or amended.

B. Aims Healthcare College shall review its Sexual Violence Policy after every 3 years. The next review date is October 31, 2026

Aims Healthcare College shall collect and be prepared to provide upon request by the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges such data and information as required according to Subsections 31. 1 (8), (9), (10) and (11) of Schedule 5 of the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, as amended.



Raj Manvi

Phone: 905-379-3449


